The Holland Marsh Drainage System Joint Municipal Service Board was formed in 2007 in joint partnership with the Township of King and Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury with the mission to maintain and manage the Holland Marsh drainage system, to plan any future development for the Holland Marsh and tackle any possible environmental issues.

In 2013, authority for the control and management of all municipal drains within the geographic boundaries of the Township of King and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury which lie outside the boundary of the Holland Marsh Drainage System, were delegated to the Board.

The Board is comprised of nine voting members; elected officials from both municipalities as well as appointees who are actively farming in the Marsh. The following are the board members for the 2022-2026 term:

  • William Eek, Appointee
  • Jennifer Anstey, King Councillor
  • Dave Munshaw, Appointee
  • Steve Pellegrini, King Mayor
  • Raj Sandhu, BWG Deputy Mayor
  • Dan Sopuch, Appointee
  • Brian Visser, Appointee
  • Trevor Voorberg, Appointee
  • Ben Verkaik, BWG Councillor

The Board meets approximately six times a year, or at the call of the Chair. All of the Board's agendas and minutes can be found under the "Minutes/Agendas" tab above.

Meetings of the Board are scheduled bi-monthly and meeting locations alternate between King Township and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.

Click or tab on the links in the table below to view agendas and minutes for meetings of the Holland Marsh Drainage System Joint Municipal Service Board (HMDSJMSB).

12-Dec-24 Agenda Minutes
10-Oct-24 Agenda Minutes
08-Aug-24 Agenda Minutes
13-Jun-24 Agenda Minutes
11-Apr-24 Agenda Minutes
08-Feb-24 Agenda Minutes
14-Dec-23 Agenda Minutes
16-Nov-23 Agenda Minutes
10-Aug-23 Agenda Minutes
08-Jun-23 Agenda Minutes
13-Apr-23 Agenda Minutes
02-Mar-23 Agenda Minutes

The HMDSJMSB was created as a corporate entity separate from the two municipalities and has been delegated the duty of assuming the municipalities' responsibilities as they relate to the Holland Marsh and other municipal drains in BWG and TOK, under the Drainage Act R.S.O. 1990. Under the agreement the Board is required to submit its annual business plan to each Council for approval.